AI Product Leader (Nanodegree) Certificate (AIPLC)TM

The following curriculum will prepare you to work alongside the best and brightest in AI.


Next curriculum start date: Expected to be Q2, 2025 as soon as we reach 18 students.


What's Included In The AIPLC (nanodegree)

Technical Modules

The curriculum emphasizes technical foundations, with approximately 145 hours (85% of the program) dedicated to building core technical skills. This intensive technical focus ensures you have the depth of knowledge needed to excel in the later product management modules. Each module is evaluated through a combination of active class participation, hands-on labs, communication assignments, and assessments.

Non-Technical Modules

The final modules (approximately 25 hours or 15% of the program) focus on product management skills, allowing you to apply your newly acquired technical expertise to real-world PM scenarios. Each module is evaluated through a combination of active class participation, hands-on labs, communication assignments, and assessments.


Desired Outcomes for Product Managers

We aim for the vast majority of those who complete the Artificial Intelligence Product Leader CertificateTM, to agree or strongly agree to the following:

  • I have become a thought leader in AI Product Management through the graded blog posts throughout the curriculum
  •  achieved or accelerated a significant compensation increase due to the AIPLC
  • I was able to communicate more effectively with data science, data engineering, MLOps, and others involved in AI at my company within 3-months of starting the program
  • I can code some apps entirely on my own due to the quality and quantity of examples of text-to-code prompting provided throughout the modules
  • I am significantly better prepared for AI/ML questions that could come from an interview at a FAANG+Microsoft or other top-tier AI company
  • I can confidently create a proposal, including a ballpark estimate of proof of concept, implementation, and production running costs, to integrate AI into an existing product or a new AI product or feature
  • I obtained funding for a new AI product/feature, integrated AI into an existing product/feature, and/or helped create AI principles for their company within 12 months of starting the modules

You’ll also receive all the support needed to be wildly successful in your AI career.

Ask us how!


Our instructors and guest speakers include the following

We scoured the earth to find gifted folks in AI with a passion for sharing knowledge.

Paul Save

Paul Save | MSc UBC

Former GPM / Director PM | xMicrosoft, xBest Buy

Taimoor Akhtar | PhD Cornell

Data & Applied Scientist, Microsoft

Ivone Wardell | MS West Virginia U

Data Scientist/Architect, North River Midstream | xChevron

Paul Save

Partho Ghosh | BBA UBC

VP Uberall | xUnbounce, xHoostsuite

Paul Save

Volodymyr Kalganov | MS Kyiv Polytechnic

Senior Data Scientist Boeing

Paul Save

Mike Irvine | PhD U of Warwick

Data Scientist, BC Center for Disease Control

Paul Save

Italo Francini | MASc U of Victoria

Data Engineer, Meta

Paul Save

Volodymyr Vragrov | MSc U of Calgary

Data & Applied Scientist, Microsoft

Paul Save

Julian Sara Joseph | BTech Model Engineering College

Senior PM, Telus | xGoogle

Paul Save

Andreas Munk | PhD UBC

Founder & CEO, Evara AI

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Differentiate yourself with the AIPLCTM


Did you know that fewer than 15% of PMs on LinkedIn with an "AI PM" title have any serious AI training. Additionally, fewer than 5% of PMs have taken any serious AI training longer than 3-months.


In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Earned 12 certificates including the AIPLCTM
  • Become an AI Product Leader
  • Set yourself up for faster career growth

The right hands-on AI education can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in Artificial Intelligence Product Leaders CertificateTM.